The Quality of Your Life is Dependent on the Quality of Your Thoughts
Millions of people suffer from obsessions and compulsions, and engage in the relentless search to find answers. Too often this only leads to frustration, and the realization that the answers can be just as complicated as the symptoms experienced.
Some reports give the illusion that those going through the process are condemned to a lifetime of prescription medication, making the person a victim of their own mind. Some believe OCD is a chemical imbalance, operating free from the outside influences of stress, leading many to wonder: When a task must be repeated a certain number of times, is it the chemical that is tracking how many repetitive actions will be enough? How do chemical imbalances keep the mind focused on one particular subject matter over and over?
It is not difficult to conclude that there may be other influences. What if obsessions and compulsions are a way of thinking, a process driven by:
Unresolved Emotions: past events, pushed to the foreground looking for a solution.
Mental Strategies: repetitive patterns run (such as counting) until a certain strategy is fulfilled, allowing the cycle to end.
Associative Meaning: irrational emotions or beliefs placed on an subject matter (If I step on grass, it means I'll get sick).
Stress: how we view our own capabilities to deal with the environments we interact with.
Uncertainty: the process of not trusting one's own judgment.
Therapies like Health Kinesiology can assist people in silencing and resolving negative thought processes, giving hope for those who find this type of option-less thinking unacceptable.
OCD is the symptom - it is not the problem.
Your thoughts can work for you or against you. The mind has the ability to do either. There is no shame in being stuck, but it is hard to compulsively feel one must clean, hoard, check, count, or obsess on religion, sex, people, or any other subject. The frustration of not understanding how or why thoughts become stuck only adds to the relentless discomfort pounding within. You know you need to change how you think or your mind will continue doing what it thinks it should. Old patterns need to be broken and new ones established.
Utilize your strengths and strengthen your weaknesses to stop unwanted processes flowing through you. Understand that the mind holds on to redundant thoughts and recycles them over and over. The average person thinks 60,000 thoughts a day; over 95% of these thoughts are repeated day after day. We can intercept and break the cycle. Step out of your trance and design your own mindset. Change your beliefs, rework strategies, and release unresolved emotions. We can literally "rewire" our thought processes and let go of redundant behaviors.
People from all walks of life are again enjoying their own peace of mind.
"You are the only thinker in your mind. Its only a thought and a thought can be changed." -- Louise Hay.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't change your thoughts. It is a sad place to be when you believe you are a victim of your own mind. One ends up continually searching for answers and missing out on life. Sure, you can continue waiting or STOP!! right now and take some action. Live your life in the freedom of your own positive thoughts once again.
Behind your obsession are thoughts that do not support you.