Energy System
The body’s electrical system.
The brain and body are constantly alive with billions of electrical and chemical signals (i.e. the heart, brain, nervous system).
Meridians: (the same as acupuncture uses) are 14 major pathways like highways throughout the body which flow with a fluid vital for life. Meridians are electromagnetic in nature with a charge of .05 microvolts.

Physical health and well-being are a direct reflection of the energy system. It is the blueprint of the body. Anything that is stressful for an individual creates an imbalance in their energy system. Imbalances can occur as a result of nutrition, emotions, thoughts, injury, environmental chemicals, electromagnetic pollution, etc. Unblocking and restoring proper energy flow in the meridians allows the body to heal itself.
Everything electrical in nature has an energy field (aura). Kirlian Photography reveals the human energy field to be a rainbow of colors. Computers, television and other appliances also have an energy field that is detrimental to our own.
Vibrational Medicine.
Everything is made of molecules and molecules vibrate. Therefore, everything has a frequency. The healthy human body resonates at 62-78 MHz. Nature and the body resonate at the same frequency. Notice that you feel better when you are in the woods or on the beach. Coffee brings frequency down to the 50’s. Cancer is in the 40’s (Every disease resonates at its own frequency). Essential Oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man. (Rose Oil =320 MHz.)
Muscle-testing: (Kinesiology) can be used to monitor the energy system. There are electro-chemical changes that take place in the body, same as can be monitored by Lie Detector/Needle Graph machine, which can also be monitored by a muscle-test. Anything true (YES) or not stressful will result in a locked or firm muscle. Anything stressful (NO), allergens, etc. cause the muscle to unlock (go weak). Muscle testing can very accurately gain information as needed for addressing health issues.
We are truly made in an amazing way!
~Diane Vanas
Kirlian Camera Energy Photos
Wearing Biomagnetic Research Crystal Catalyst Bead Gemstone Pendants has an effect on the color of etheric energy fields.

Biomagnetic Research
Breathe Easy Pendant

Biomagnetic Research
Serenity Pendant
"Turn up your radio and let me hear the song.
Switch on your electric light
Then we can get down to what is really wrong."