Diane Vanas BIO
A sense of wonder and creativity, along with respect for the gift of life motivates me in the adventure of learning to work with the body/mind connection, enhancing wellness through positive energy factors in living.
My well-being is enhanced by spiritual pursuits and friendships. I enjoy walking on the beach and hiking in the woods. Regenerative soil gardening and the biodiversity of nature harmonizes my microbiome and energy. I am a work in progress as I integrate the intelligence observed in creation and leave no dimension of Self behind to become more whole. Recovery of our authentic core identity and holistic living lifestyles is a challenge in our toxic culture which often causes dis-ease in the BodyMind. We do not heal in isolation... we need loving connection to grow.
Regularly setting aside time for personal Bible study and attending congregation meetings helps keep me balanced, builds faith and hope. I actively share Bible Truth in my ministry. The real hope for better health, long life, and permanent cures will come through the Kingdom promised in prophecy to bring peace and better conditions to earth. The original blueprint for humans will be restored by the Creator to allow the potential of living forever.
My Natural Health Story
My Father was diagnosed with last stage lung cancer (metastasized to the stomach) in 1992. I studied Macrobiotics and our family adopted that way of eating in an effort to save him. It gave him strength and dignity... only to die a year later after trying a few rounds of chemotherapy.
I was left with a desire for better answers...
My mother developed an "incurable" auto-immune illness (Dermatomyositis) in the year 1999. Her body destroyed her own muscles. Literally within one month she was in a wheelchair. We took her into our home and put her on a diet of healthy foods (macrobiotic) and low stress. Mom's Integrative Medicine physician enlightened her about the mind-body connection. She was given massage with Young Living essential oils (ImmuPower and DiGize). Health Kinesiology (energy work) initiated emotional storage release from her muscles and progressively dramatic improvement. With the combination of everything, she got well and lived a full and happy life until she passed away in 2022, at the age of 97.
Health Kinesiology is so beneficial in assisting the body to heal itself. I started taking Dr. Jimmy Scott's Health Kinesiology classes (with Teacher Melinda Ackerson) in 2000. I completed 6 HK modules, attended Craniosacral Therapy classes, and also have training in many holistic health modalities over the last 20 years. Even overcoming breast cancer myself without chemo, radiation, or surgery. An important supplement: Herbal Plus Black Salve Tablets.
I continue to learn and do research since I am intrigued by the complexity of the human body and the brain. We are fragile creatures and yet we are very resilient. We can mend and heal when we are given what we need. Love is our greatest need. We need to learn to love and accept all parts of ourselves.
The mind is so powerful, it has escaped the brain and is in every cell of the body and in the energy field (the blueprint). Intelligence. It is said that we use only 1/10 of 1% of our brain. Tapping into the sub-conscious mind is really the key...
My Experience as a Practitioner
Energy work based on the Health Kinesiology System and incorporating everything else I have studied and learned that assists the body in a natural way. I have worked with clients since my first HK class in 2000. With energy work, I was able to assist my mother to completely overcome her autoimmune illness. I have had success in helping people with cancer, pain, psychological issues, weight, depression, career changes, allergies, and many other physical and emotional complaints. I really love working with clients who are open to new possibilities and empowering themselves to revive and thrive.
My Services
Virtual Energy Medicine Services: My Health Kinesiology Practice incorporates teachings from Holistic modalities such as: The Emotion Code, The Body Code, T3 (Three-Dimensional Therapy) now known as The Belief Code, BodyTalk, BodyIntuitive, Oils on Point. Click here
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