is a company based on the belief that our clients' needs are of the utmost importance. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and give you the best service possible.

“Wellness” is more that just the absence of disease.
Wellness goes beyond one’s physical condition. Wellness is a healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. Our physical health is inextricably linked to our mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
In our stressful, toxic world, wellness can be difficult to achieve and maintain. For over 20 years, Vibenergy's NATURAL WELLNESS has offered natural products and holistic services that support our bodies’ own intuitive healing processes.
Belief System Decoding (3 Sessions Package $139)
Amazing method of unearthing deeply rooted subconscious negative beliefs that keep us stuck or sabotage us from reaching our goals. Getting to the true roots of dis-ease requires getting to the subconscious level where all of our core wounds and false limiting beliefs lie. Curious? Watch YouTube Demo Session
Book Sessions with me: CLICK HERE
Looking forward to supporting you in your journey to inner well-being. Revive and rejuvenate. -Diane Vanas
"Love is the elixir of life."